Small Groups

Small Group Descriptions

From All Saints' Connects Groups, to women's chapters, affinity groups, neighborhood groups, and issues oriented meet-ups, there are opportunities for everyone at All Saints' to forge friendship and community on the journey of faith. 

On this page, you wil find general descriptions of our ongoing groups and gatherings.  To view most up-to-date list of current offerings please visit our Group Finder page using the button below. 

Group Finder

All Saints' Connects

All Saints’ Connects small groups offer an easy way to make friends in a large church like All Saints’ or a context to reinvigorate long-time connections, as we root and ground our lives in the transformative love of Jesus Christ. Our small groups usually meet weekly for one hour.

Small groups help us:
  • CENTER: Center our lives in Christ, seeking God’s presence in daily life.
  • CARE: Care for one another as equal members in the Body of Christ, enriched by our diversity.
  • CONVERSE: Converse about experiences that truly matter, sharing our stories of faith.
  • CREATE: Create communal spaces where all belong and know God’s love revealed among us.

Join a Lenten 2023 Connects GroupView the Participants Guides

Affinity Groups and Fellowship Gatherings

Archives Committee

The Archives Committee catalogs and maintains our church’s historic materials, and uses them for periodic displays in Egleston Hall Library.

Arts Theology

Arts Theology is made up of people who are interested in, simply, theology as it relates to the arts. Arts Theology is responsible for bringing “art” in its many and varied forms in front of All Saints’ parishioners to inspire thoughtfulness, creativity, discussion, and joy.

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer meets weekly to learn about the centuries-old practice of contemplative prayer. All are welcome, from novices to longtime practitioners. Click here to sign up for our next gathering >>

Earth Stewards

The Earth Stewards explore how our faith calls us to care for creation. We advocate greater respect for the gifts we’ve been given in the world, especially the efficient and sustainable use of energy. We lead programs to educate and raise awareness of how stewardship of God’s creation is an integral part of our Christianity.

Foyer Groups

One of the very best ways to get to know fellow parishioners in a big church like All Saints’ is through informal, small dinner group gatherings at one another’s homes. The groups formed are a great mix – single, married, and families with children of a varied status and age. Many close friendships have been formed through these great dinner gatherings: it’s a perfect, low-key way to make connections. We will gather up to six times per year beginning in September and going through May. Click here to sign up for our next gathering >>

Garden Group

Volunteers with the Garden Group gather seasonally, and whenever necessary, to plant and tend the gardens and grounds of the church.

Jezebels: Women’s Reading Group

Jezebels is a women’s reading group that has met continuously for 16 years at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. We read a variety of books (fiction, nonfiction, plays, and poetry) and deeply explore each, often over a period of weeks. Click here to learn more and sign up for our next discussion >>

Novel Theology

Novel Theology meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 7:00-8:00 p.m. to discuss how literature lends shape to our understanding of ideas like love, compassion, forgiveness, redemption. In other words, those markers we encounter in following Christ. Click here to learn more and sign up for our next discussion >>

Popcorn Theology

Popcorn Theology typically meets one Friday each month from 7:00-9:30 p.m. to watch a movie together and participate in facilitated discussion.

Group Finder

Women’s Chapters

Women’s Chapters are a great way to get to know other women at All Saints’ that you might not otherwise encounter.

Members of each group offer support to one another in times of crisis, celebrate with one another in times of joy, and generally help each other through the ups and downs of life.

St. Helena

This chapter, whose members are ages 40 and up, is a varied one. Some work and others are retired. We typically hold meetings monthly from September through May with a break in December. Making and selling our famous Hellfire Pepper Jelly is one of the year’s highlights! Proceeds from jelly sales benefit projects focused on women and children in need.

St. Luke

Composed primarily of women in their 60s and 70s, this chapter accommodates those enjoying retirement and some who remain active at work. Members annually schedule three meetings and several social events.

St. Mary

The chapter is comprised mostly of mothers in their 50s and 60s. Founded in 1990 as the “Young Mothers” group we have laughed and cried our way through our childrearing years. We typically have 4–5 events per year and they range from guest speakers to wine tasting parties.

St. Catherine

The women of this chapter are typically in the age range of late 40s and 50s. We gather monthly to relax and enjoy one another during this busy time of life.

St. Cecilia

This chapter’s members are typically in their 20s and 30s and includes women in all stages of adulthood. We meet a few times a year for volunteer projects and social gatherings.

Group Finder


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