Annual Events


Kanuga Weekend

We travel to Kanuga Conference Center in beautiful Hendersonville, North Carolina to enjoy abundant fellowship, fun, worship, music, special children’s programs, and a great time for all ages and all stages.

Each year an invited guest retreat leader leads our adult program and Sunday morning worship. Our church retreat is typically the first full weekend in October

Celebration Of Ministries

On Celebration of Ministries Sunday, all church groups (approximately 90+ of them!), take part in a parade of ministries during the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services.

Between the services, we host a ministry fair in the courtyard where you can learn about each ministry and how to get involved. This event typically takes place on the Sunday after Labor Day.

St. Nicholas Celebration

We celebrate St. Nicholas Day with a holiday supper and program for all ages.

St. Nicholas himself has been known to appear to read the story of St. Nicholas of Myra and share treats with the kids. This event typically takes place the first Wednesday in Decemb

Women’s Lenten Retreat

During the season of Lent, the women of All Saints’ gather for a weekend of learning, prayer, rest, and friendship.

Destinations vary, but typically we choose a fairly close venue and occasionally a beach destination. Each year an invited guest retreat leader joins us for inspiration and learning. The dates vary depending on when Lent falls each year, but it’s typically in March.

Parish Picnic

During our annual Parish Picnic, we enjoy delicious food and birthday cake, music, crafts and activities for kids, and fun for everyone.

This event is typically held on Pentecost Sunday in late May or early June.


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