Friday E-News | June 2, 2023

by Andrew Barnett on June 02, 2023

Dear saints,

Welcome to the summer season, where many of us find a bit of rest. Thank God for that! I would like to take this opportunity to think theologically with you about the Biblical notion of sabbath. 

Walter Brueggeman’s fantastic book Sabbath as Resistance shows sabbath as the most counter-cultural act that the Israelites can perform in Pharaoh’s Egypt. Pharaoh wants more and more bricks for more and more economic output, breaking backs along the way. But God (often referred to as YHWH in the Hebrew scriptures, anglicized and pronounced “Yahweh”) calls the people to remember sabbath and keep it holy. 

Brueggeman believes we can take three lessons from the story:

  1. “That YHWH is not a workaholic; 
  2. That YHWH is not anxious about the full functioning of creation; and,
  3. That the well-being of creation does not depend on endless work.” 

Fusing the Exodus story with Jesus’ good news, he concludes: "'Weariness,’ ‘being heavy-laden,’ and ‘yoke’ are all ways of speaking of the commodity society of endless productivity… But Jesus offers an alternative: “Come to me and rest!”  

Indeed, sabbath is a practical divestment, such that neighborly engagement, rather than production and consumption, defines our lives… To cease, even for a time, the anxious striving for more bricks is to find ourselves with a “light burden” and an “easy yoke.” It is now, as then, enough to permit dancing and singing into an alternative life.” 

So take a good long nap this afternoon. Find some “time away from the hustle-bustle” (that’s how the architect of Piedmont Park described his goal for outdoor space). Get out of town for a minute. Swim in a beautiful body of water. Call a friend and put a work project on hold—it’ll be there when you come back. Hike in the mountains, and be healed by the forest (there is research to support this). Be blessed by relationships with your family and friends this summer.

May we be restored in these coming weeks, and may we ever return to Jesus, who promises, “Come to me, you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

I thank God for the joy and privilege of serving with you at All Saints’!   



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